The Best Pictures Podcast


About The Best Pictures Podcast

Dear Future (hopefully?) Listener,

For years now, we've been talking about how cool it would be to watch every Academy Award Best Picture winner, but we were lazy and bad at committment so it never happened. That's all over now! We've turned over a new, more committed leaf and started this podcast to keep ourselves accountable and give ourselves a forum to discuss our thoughts on each winner as we strive to fullfill this bucket list item.

We're not experts. We'll repeat that. WE ARE NOT EXPERTS. But we will do our best to offer insightful observations on the films we watch, make recommendations on which ones are a must-see, and provide a few laughs along the way. If at any time you feel the need to tell us how wrong/right we are, you can shoot us an email by going to the Contact page, or you can find us on social media using the links below.

As part of the podcast, we'll both be keeping lists ranking the movies we've watched so far. They are 100% our personal opinions and would probably change depending on what day we recorded the podcast, how we were feeling when we watched the movie, etc., but since it's out there on the internet now, we guess we'll have to stick by them. You can find both lists on the The Lists page (super original, right?).

Anyway, we've had fun so far, and we hope you'll join us as we work our way through every Best Picture.

~Maggie & Ian

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